Debounced and Throttled Observers in Ember.js

Often in complex ember apps you want to use debouncing and throttling, to avoid doing expensive processing or too many server requests. I had hacked together a solution for this with underscore, but then I found out that Ember.js includes built in throttle and debounce functions. A few minutes…

Intelligent String Matching for all Universities in DBpedia

When Quicksilver came out, it changed the way I used my computer. Although it's not as essential to me these days as it used to be, it's the first implementation of fuzzy string matching that I encountered and fell in love with, a feature that I now take completely for…

Source maps for coffeescript in Rails

I've been following the progress on the new coffeescript compiler, mainly because the one minor issue I have with coffeescript is debugging in the browser. When I discovered that the latest version of the CoffeeScriptRedux compiler is now spitting them out, I figured I'd hack something together to see how…

Building a company in 42 days with 40 dollars

Introduction I worked on DevTest on a total of 42 seperate days, over a period of around 6 months. This was all in my spare time during evenings and weekends, with the exception of a week of vacation to finish everything up and finally launch. And the only money I've…